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About Taylor & Francis

Taylor & Francis, a division of Informa, is a specialist in scholarly research and in helping academic and research communities make new breakthroughs.

We work with researchers, authors, editors, reviewers and customers across the international academic community, publishing over 160,000 book titles and 2,500 journals under highly-regarded imprints including Routledge, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis and Dove Medical Press.

Taylor & Francis content spans many specialist subject categories. We have a particular strength in Humanities & Social Sciences research publishing, including areas such as Archaeology, Psychology and Education, and in the Biomedical, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering fields.

What we do

Taylor & Francis commissions, curates, produces and publishes scholarly research and reference-led content, enabling the latest academic thinking and discovery to be shared and built on.

Our expert editorial teams oversee the submission and acceptance process for research content, whether in book or journal format, and we co-ordinate independent peer review processes to ensure that published content is of the highest quality and reflects new thinking and cutting-edge discovery.

We operate the production process for research content, whether the final product is in digital or physical format, and continuously invest in technology and platforms that make research available, accessible and searchable now and for generations to come.

Our teams also work closely with researchers and authors, promoting their work and maintaining the quality and strength of our imprints and brands.

Digital and discoverable

We continually invest in technology that makes current and historical content discoverable and usable, creating a great reader experience and ensuring knowledge from centuries ago can be readily searched and accessed today.

All our journals are published digitally. Nearly 90% of our books content is available in a digital format and books can be purchased in print or e-book format, and searched at a book, chapter and paragraph level.

An international business  

Taylor & Francis has 2,000 colleagues around the world, with hubs in the US (Philadelphia, Boca Raton), UK (Oxford) and India (New Delhi) and teams in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and Stockholm. 

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